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10 Best Foods for Teenagers

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Yes There comes a time when we leave behind the cute and pleasing personality we had been donning for a while and transform into a whole new self. An Avatar that whispers into our ear “Nothing is impossible”, “No one is unbeatable”, “I feel like the king of the world! This marks the beginning of the most prominent phase of our lives. Adolescence. The age when one can either make wonders, or drop down disappointed, and in the wake of transforming a bubbling novice, into a true wizard, arises the discussion “the importance of establishing healthy food habits on our Adolescents”. Due to the oncoming puberty, the nutrient required of adolescents is high and parents/guardians must know how to cater them the right nutrition. But, let’s face it, adolescents are in the never-ending search for what is ‘cool’, and anything imposed on them by parents is ‘old school’.

So let’s take a look at 10 foods an adolescent must not miss out on, and ways to transform these ‘boring’ foods, into something ‘awesome’.


Brown rice is considered to be a “whole grain” and whole grains are proven to reduce the buildup of arterial plaque and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Brown rice helps our body stay clean as it makes digestion easier. It is rich in antioxidants and its fiber content keeps bowel function at its peak. Brown rice also has cancer fighting elements. Yes, it’s a known fact that brown rice takes an era to cook! But, once cooked it sure is a delight for your stomach. Stir fry it with cumin or potatoes and set the dining table on a roll.

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Teenagers, especially girls, have the tendency to eat less or nothing in order to look slim. ‘Fatty foods’ are their greatest enemy. However, they need ‘good fats’ which helps in building healthy brain cells regulate various hormones. Dry fruits are a good source for ‘good fats’. The various nuts- Almonds, Cashews, peanuts, etc., as ingredients in your daily ‘sabji’.Also, dry fruits increases your memory power. So, having dry fruits at least once in a day is really very good for health.

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 3. FISH

White meat is generally preferred over red meat due to its, low fat content. Try out ‘HILSA’, which is known to lower cholesterol in the body. Make a tasty dish out of it using ‘Yellow Mustard”- Rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and many B complex vitamins. Our system needs potassium to send electric signals to the body for proper muscle contraction and healthy digestive system. While Phosphorus in needed for the development of strong teeth and bones, Calcium contributes to the development of strong teeth and bones as well as for hale muscle and nerve function.

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Milk, as we know, is the primary source of nutrition for all individuals. Its best quality is to keep the body hydrated. It helps to replace lost fluids after physical exhaustion. It also helps maintain the blood pressure. Adolescents will obviously reject this nutrient rich diet; try adding their favourite essence or make milkshakes.

Image Courtesy by Antpkr at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Curiosity among teenagers is high, which makes them want test their limits every second. Daily dose of yogurt helps to stimulate their immune system. Top it up with various fruits, which are a direct source of many vitamins and a tasty desert, is ready to serve.

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The trend these days is that adolescents hit a low cord for every petty reason. Chicken acts as an anti-depressant. It can enhance your mood, blasting stress and lulling you to sleep. Also, Chicken is rich in protein and promotes eye health. As for as the “tasty” part is concerned, well there are many recipes to choose from! Chicken is very much rich in protein,  potassium, calcium and contains no carbohydrates.

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Soya bean is rich in iron, which is essential for body metabolism, physical & mental growth and for production of RBC’s. Teenagers, especially girls need about 30% excess iron intake during the adolescent’s period. Mix soya bean with oysters and cereals, to enhance the iron intake.

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     Egg is a storehouse of vital nutrients. It is well known rich of protein-an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, blood. The body uses protein to build and repair tissues as well as making enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. Unfortunately, unlike fat and carbohydrates, body does not store protein, and therefore, has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. Eggs can be pouched, scrambled or traditionally boiled. At least we must have one egg daily, in order to maintain a good and healthy diet.

Image Courtesy by Antpkr at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Honey has always been a remedy for various ailments. Buckwheat honey helps curbing cough, throat irritation and helps reduce ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders. It has been found that honey also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Honey also blends with anything that we pick up. So one may simply spread it over bread, mix it in beverages or use it to add aesthetic sense to his/her ice-cream.

Image Courtesy byArtur84 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Chocolate is a favourite amongst children, adolescents, adults, anyone! It maybe weird but chocolate is in fact helpful for one’s healthy upbringing. It’s full of antioxidant which offers our skin some protection from UV damage. And a healthy skin is something every teenager craves for! It has been found that chocolates also contain antidepressants, which boosts our mood and helps cheer us up. It is also high in vitamins and minerals. However, avoid excess.

Image Courtesy by Grant Cochrane at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

 Now, with a hue of foods for us to choose from, it really is a tour-de-force to pinpoint a few!  Considering all the major vitamins and minerals that a teenager needs and keeping in mind a majority of social groups, this list has been accumulated. Now all that’s left to do is to rush to the nearest grocery store!

Teenage is a growing stage of the life which requires adequate nutrition and at the same time needs delicious foods. So discover a list of the best foods for the teenagers.